Sunday, September 8, 2013

Open House Time

I am a little delayed in my post but Open House was a success! The work week leading up to Open House is always packed full of meetings, setting up the classroom, and planning for the upcoming weeks. With the help of some colleagues and the energy from my red bull I was ready for the night.  I had all but two families show up and the entire night went so smoothly :) I found some open house signs on (from Reagan Tunstall) and edited them to suit my set up for the night.  For Open House, it usually seems like all the families come all at once and want to tell you everything about their child.  However, these signs made all the difference in the world! Everyone got all their necessary papers, looked around the classroom, and took a moment to meet me. I will definitely use signs like these in the years to come!

My lifesaver...this red bull got me through the day! 
The signs outside of the class (this gave the families a chance to read the signs all at once before coming in)

Class Door

Signs in the class

Welcome Back bulletin-the kids work on the puzzle the first day of school

View of the desks

Important school and classroom information

Baskets to turn in the school forms 

Supplies tables-the labeled bins helped to make the turning in of supplies much more organized.

Transportation list and treat table. The students got a treat and the parents got a magnet

The contact information magnet (matches class theme) and student treat.  Under the blue owl cut out is a bag of Pop Rocks!